Posts Tagged ‘memory processing’

Mention by ADD/ADHD specialist, Sandra Rief, in SUMMER issue of ADDitude

Thursday, May 14th, 2009
Sandra Rief

Sandra Rief

Thank you also to Sandra Rief for recommending my workbook in the ASK OUR EXPERTS column in the summer issue of ADDitude.  The question posed was:

“My fourth grader is having a great difficulty learning the multiplication tables .  We’ve tried many approaches along with offering rewards, but nothing helps.”

Sandra Rief’s response:   “If a child has ADHD or an LD, memory and other processing weaknesses — not a lack of motivation — are the reasons his brain can’t hold onto certain information.  Try [this resource]:  Teach Your Child the Multiplication Tables with Dazzling Patterns, Grids and Tricks ( helps kids identify patterns, so they can rely less on memory.”

how-to-reach-children-addSandra Rief is the author of  How to Reach and Teach Children with ADD/ADHD (