Let me take a moment to thank you a GREAT 2010! Last month, my publisher informed me that my workbook was in the TOP three sellers for the month of November at Infinity Publishing.
Sales of my workbook are nearing 10,000 copies. Teach Your Child the Multiplication Tables has been #1 on Amazon under “multiplication tables” these past three years. I owe it ALL to my faithful customers who through word of mouth have made my workbook a success.
Had my son not resisted learning the tables through rote memorization, I would not have developed my method. So as always, Scott, thank you for leading me on this extraordinary journey.
My little workbook connects me to the world. Through PayPal orders on this website, I learn how someone in Singapore, London or a remote town in Maine heard of my workbook. I’ve received countless emails from families telling me the difference my workbook made in their child’s life. Thank you so much for sharing your stories, those from parents and teachers of special needs children are especially poignant.
Moms and dads, every day you confront routine problems in your children’s lives and solve them. I encourage you to share your innovations with other families by bringing these to market. I believe if more of us would do for other people’s children what we do for our own, the world would be a better place.
Wishing you Happy Times this New Year!