Last week, I posted on HARO asking parents, teachers and students to submit tips on teaching Times Tables to students with ADD/ADHD. Many thanks to teacher, Louise Loya-Mayne from the Green Chimneys School for the following tips:
We draw circles, group marbles [counting one by one] in each circle. 5 circles with 2 marbles in them = 10.
“Nines” – use your fingers [7×9 you count on your fingers to 7,that 7th finger goes down as a space, then count the fingers to the left and right 6 and 3 = 63.]
Dice, playing cards, and Dominoes, are good to use, once they have been practicing for a while.
Blow up beach ball or cube with number facts on them, for practice. Make a tossing game out of them. I’ve also use bean bag games, with numbers on the circles.
An egg carton or Mancala board game, you can use marbles (or anything small), and count them out into the sections [2 groups of 3 marbles=6]
Dot math with white boards and markers, draw dots … … … three groups of three dots = 9. [on nice days, you can use side walk chalk].
I find the more ‘flexible grouping, and moving the students, helps with ADD/HD, such as having the students write on the overhead projector, then break into groups for games (with the dice and cards), then go outside and use the sidewalk chalk, etc.
On Fridays, we have a Math Carnival, where you set up different stations around the room, with manipulatives, and the students have fun going around to each one, practicing facts, problem solving, etc
Deborah Bernstein, the Director of Marketing and Communications at Green Chimeneys submitted the following: Teachers at Green Chimneys School, a year-round 853 special education school in Brewster, NY, know how to help children learn! They’ve implemented a number of successful techniques to teach children. Dawn Looby, one of our teachers, has found a number of successful methods to teach the multiplication tables, as she explains below:
I use flash cards a lot because it allows the student to work with a peer and move their hands. Another great technique is to play Multiplication catch. The students stand in a circle. The teacher will call out a multiplication problem and pass the ball to a student. The student must state the answer, call a new multiplication problem and pass the ball to another student. If the student drops the ball, they are out of the game. If a student cannot think of the answer they may get help from a peer. I also like to use math baseball at
Founded in 1947, Green Chimneys operates a special education school, residential treatment center for children, farm and wildlife rehabilitation center and a variety of other programs that help restore possibilities and create futures for children with emotional, behavioral, social and learning challenges (including ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome). You can find more information on Green Chimneys at Deborah M. Bernstein, Director of Marketing and Communications,Green Chimneys, 400 Doansburg Rd. – Box 719, Brewster, NY 10509-0719