Thank you to Martha Bullen for quoting me in the May issue of Book Marketing Update in her article, “How to Set Up a Successful Book Event.”
The L. A. Times Festival of Books has been a successful venue for selling my workbook. Children are drawn to my booth because of my colorful poster and sample pages to fill out. This not only gives children an opportunity to sample my workbook but for me to teach them my method. When they see how fun and easy it is, they want to buy. Because parents often ask, “What else do you have?” I came up with Learning Aids based on my method. Expanding my product line was a smart thing to do.
When I first published Teach Your Child the Multiplication Tables, Infinity Publishing gave me John Kremer’s 1001 Ways to Market Your Book, an invaluable resource for authors. So it’s especially gratifying to now be quoted in his newsletter, Book Marketing Update, knowing my marketing strategies might help another author.